Wastewater Treatment Services & Solutions

Wastewater Treatment Services

We only have so much water on our planet and keeping it clean is essential. If you are managing your business’s water usage with an on-site sanitation system (OCS), then it needs industrial wastewater treatment services that are cost-effective, compliant with regulatory standards, and ensure worker safety. Partnering with Wattbar Industries is a great way to access the latest in specialty coagulants and flocculants that are efficient at treating both biological, chemical, and physical pollutants. 

We provide industrial wastewater treatment services backed by innovative treatment resources, industry expertise, supportive consulting, and expert deployment. When it comes to wastewater management services, we are your one-stop supplier.

Comprehensive Water Treatment Services From a Trusted Wastewater Treatment Company

Water treatment is what we do. At Wattbar Industries, we specialize in clarifying and reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demands (BOD), or simply dewatering solids. We even offer sewage treatment services, as well. Our specialty coagulants and flocculants will help make sure that all areas are treated efficiently. 

We pride ourselves on having the most experienced experts in wastewater treatment services. Whether it be field engineers or service department professionals, our team is made up of people who have years of experience solving water treatment issues. 

If professionalism and results matter most to you, then our team is the perfect fit to take on your municipal wastewater treatment needs. Our entire focus is providing you with the water quality you need through a customized solution package that fits into your business model.

clear wastewater treatment plant
yellow walkway through wastewater treatment plant

Water Purification Services That Support Proper Effluent Treatment

Wattbar Industries is an innovative wastewater treatment company that specializes in helping businesses optimize their wastewater treatment process. We have highly trained territory managers available to work with you and help determine the best products at each feed point, allowing your business to function more efficiently while delivering cleaner water. Choose from our range of products to find the perfect balance for your needs. We will help you determine what are the best levels of your coagulants and flocculants so that your system runs optimally keeping you both efficient and compliant.

We will also work with you on delivery and operational procedures to ensure continuous compliance. Picking the right products is only part of a solution. If treatment is disrupted, the products stop mattering. We help at both ends of the process to make sure you won’t run into treatment issues down the road.

Let us help you with your hazardous waste. Call us here

Increase Throughput Utilizing Our Specialty Coagulants and Flocculants

Wattbar industries is an innovative company that specializes in helping businesses optimize their wastewater treatment process. We have highly trained territory managers available to work with you and help determine the best products at each feed point, allowing your business to function more efficiently while delivering cleaner water. Choose from our wide range of products to find the perfect balance for your needs. We will help you determine what are the best levels of your coagulants and flocculants so that your system runs optimally keeping you both efficient and compliant!

water treatment plant
a person filling a beaker with solution

Chemical Concentrations for Efficiency and Control

We make sure your facility is operating at full capacity with our efficient and cost-effective wastewater treatment service options and solutions. We will help you determine the best chemical mix to utilize, which ensures effective treatment that is safe for workers and meets regulatory compliance standards.

We provide these solutions through a robust and holistic approach that explores every viable combination of treatments and procedures. From there, we can eliminate the less efficient options and help you find a sustainable methodology that fits within your operational budget.

Wattbar’s liquid coagulants are better at both clarification rates and lower sludge volumes than traditional alum or other conventional coagulants. They also work well across a wider pH range, requiring less acid for proper activity allowing you to save time on applications that would otherwise be necessary with these treatments. Increase your production rates and lower dewatering costs with a full range of emulsion, liquid, and dry flocculants. Because Wattbar gives you greater control over your treatment process our solutions are perfect for increasing profits in any industry.

Your business deserves the best, and we are here to provide it. Trained territory managers will help you determine which products are right for your facility’s needs. Together with our expert team of technicians they can find that perfect balance between production efficiency as well customer compliance to assure lasting success.

No-Cost Onsite Treatment Simulations

We understand that finding the right balance of chemicals to treat your wastewater can be challenging. That is why we have partnered with experts across America and provide onsite simulations, as well as water tests for our customers’ convenience so you can confidently know you are receiving the very best products for your wastewater treatment.

We provide this as a standard service, so you don’t have to worry about accruing additional costs simply by exploring the best possible solution for your treatment process. With our onsite demonstrations, we will work with you to find the most cost-efficient way of improving your production’s throughput.

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zoomed in view of microscope objective lens

Certified Laboratory & Expert Support

As your wastewater management service provider, our analytical laboratory is certified to meet State and Federal EPA standards for precision analysis, using the most advanced instrumentation available. We provide you with accurate information on the condition of each piece of equipment and the quality of your water to help keep your operation always running smoothly.

This is the final piece of the three-pronged approach to high-quality water management. We start with analytics and demonstrations to find the best possible solution for your operations. We then deploy those solutions to update your water management and ensure that you are compliant and efficient. Finally, we monitor what we deployed to keep it in top working condition and meet the standards you have come to expect. 

Wastewater treatment is serious business, and we treat it with the gravity and focus that it deserves. When you want professional, reliable treatment analytics, Wattbar is the way to go.

Schedule Onsite Consultation

Contact us for a customized wastewater treatment plan. Once you fill out the form, a representative will contact you directly, and we’ll get right down to business discussing your needs and how we can meet them. We want to work with you, and we’re ready to get started.

man and woman in conversation
chemical tanker with the words "Wattbar Industries" on the side

If you have wastewater in your area, our team is ready to help you find the correct method of disposal. Our national services can help you with a single facility or multiple facilities across the country. Contact us for a quote today!

Contact us

Wastewater Solutions

clear wastewater treatment plant

Protecting water is essential to the health of our planet.  As a business, one of your main responsibilites is to make sure any water that comes from your facility is clean and without polutants.  We can help you with this responsiblity.  Wattbar can provide you with the best solutions to best manage your wastewater. From chemicals to new systems or adding onto your current system to make it more efficient, we help you with all of your wastewater needs.

Boiler Water Treatment

factory water heating system

Most of us need to use a heating system throughout half of the year and the water that you have, could affect the lifespan of your boiler system.  Having untreated water accelerates corrosion and scale in your boiler system which shortens the lifespan and would also increase your energy and maintenance costs.  Our boiler treatment helps to nuetralize these issues, extending the life of you critical equipment, keeping your employees safe and comfortable.

Cooling water treatment

cooling tower

During those hot summer months, we appreciate when our cooling towers or chillers keep our buildings cool, increasing employee comfort and productivity.  The water that you use can increase the buildup of deposits, debris, and bio-film which increases your costs and lessens the longevity of your system.  Our treatment solutions help to reduce corrosion and scale and also reduce bacteria, fungus, and algea from your system allowing you to keep cool at all times. 

Reverse Osmosis systems

reverse osmosis machine

Do you have an existing reverse osmosis system or are you looking to install a new RO system?  Our experts help you with the challenges of maintenace and performance.  With things like pretreatment, we can extend the life of your membranes saving you money.  We also use systems to continually monitor your RO performance so you immediately know if something is wrong.  The reporting allows you to continually ensure your RO system is working to its optimal performance.

Wattbar Industries